Tuesday 21 February 2012


My apologies I have left blogging very very late it's been two weeks since the Glitz and Glam Raffle and 11 days since The Ball.

I have no idea where the last 2 weeks have gone after a good 9 months of planning it's all over in the blink of an eye.

We had some superb prizes for the raffle and after selling approximately 3500 of the 400 I ordered it took nearly 5 hours to fold them all !!!

A list of our prize winners can be found here

A massive Thank You to everyone who donated a prize there were some absolutely amazing prizes.

So to The Ball at 9am on a very very cold and icy Friday morning we headed off to Tankersley Manor for the big day.

20 tables to be set up and 200 chairs to be covered, gift bags to be distributed and balloons to be blown up and dressed it wasn't going to be a small task but as usual Glamoupuss Weddings pulled it off bringing a few of their own helpers.  We did it and the room looked absolutely beautiful. 

Our theme was Vegas so we went with Red, Black and White as our colour scheme which was perfectly executed with black chair covers, red sashes, black and silver chargers, beautiful chandelier centrepieces and stunning feather centrepieces, The pictures I have of the room are very amateur but I'm hoping that KTMace Photography got some great shots and I'm looking forward to seeing them.

The Table stationary was provided by Helen Reed who did a brilliant job Thank you Helen.  
I was ready and the guests started to arrive, greeted by our beautiful Vegas Showgirls ...

And so the night began guests took their seats and as usual Tankersley performed (with maybe a minor hiccup) the staff were professional and Kay our events supervisor made sure everything ran on time with very little intervention on my part.  The Crooner (Tony Martin) http://www.thecrooner.co.uk/ did a fabulous job as did our little Twinkle Toes Emile Ruddock.

The Auction compared by my fabulously 'shy' brother which made us £1610 

During the night guests were entertained by Harry Robson The Magician we had hired for the evening, I have to say he was brilliant and during the night there was lots of cheers and whoops from guests who were wowed by his magical abilities.

 Guests also had the opportunity to purchase Alexanders Dollars to use in the Casino which was to open after the nights entertainment.  The casino was hugely popular I've never seen a room clear so quick after the announcement to say it was open and I know there were a few disappointed guests who didn't get to spend as much time as they would have liked at the tables, I'm sorry if this was the case I wish I could have afforded to hire more tables.  Thank you to Caroline Dawson at FunCasinos.net 

We were lucky to have 2 photographers on the night with formal poses by Dean Williams at PhotoBusiness.co.uk and my fabulous Friend Katie Cartwright at KTMace Photography who I kept seeing during the night with her camera.  Katie was taking more informal shots on the night I know they will be brilliant and will add a link as soon as I have one.

My husband Ian showing my son Jack his new found Magic skills !!!!

 The Lovely Karen and Sam from Glamourpuss Weddings with their Husbands
My limelight stealing husband at the nights end with the Casino Balloons !

 A very nervous me during my speech !!!

So to our Grand Total up to and including the night we raised £10987 which is a tremendous amount so THANK YOU everyone who helped us to achieve this total I know the Charity will be very very happy to receive a cheque for such an amazing amount.  I'm hoping to request that the money be used specifically for research into Cot Death and maybe helping families in Yorkshire deal with the loss of their baby.  This money is Alexander's legacy, this is how we remember him and I cannot put into words how much everyones generosity means to me.

Ian works for HSBC Bank as does My Brother in Law Andrew and Sister in Law Jenny they do Pound for Pound for Charity Fundraising up to £500 per employee so that adds another £1500 to the total raised giving a Complete Total of £12487

All that is left to say is Thank You once again to our supporters and sponsors here's to 2013 !!!